Monday, April 11, 2005

England or Bust...

Tomorrow I leave for England. It's sheer crazyness that it's come this fast. I'm definitely excited but I've been so busy getting things ready for the trip that it hasn't actually hit me that I'm leaving. Does that ever happen to you? You get so wrapped up in preparing for a trip that you don't even realize that you're leaving for it? I'm positive it'll hit me like a slap in the face the minute I walk into the airport.

So get this. My flight leaves at 6pm or so tomorrow night. Guess what "time" we get to London? 8am..... Guess how many hours the flight is going to be? 8..... yeah, I'm going to be losing quite a few hours on my way over there. That sucks because the day won't even be starting when we get there. My parents have a bus tour scheduled for that day just to keep us awake and to get us adjusted to their time. Crap I'm gonna be tired. Ah well....

I was so productive this weekend. And it all has to do with getting things together for the trip.... that included my knitting that I wanted to bring. But I was bad... I couldn't just pack up all that yummy yarn I had to bring with me. Nope, I needed to do a swatch just to make sure it'll knit up right. And then knitting a swatch turned into casting on. Because seriously, who wants to cast on 216 stitches on the plane. I'll just do that and put it down. HA! Fat chance... I definitely knit a little more that I was planning and the worse part was I felt guilty almost the whole time!

I'm so bad!!!!

D's neglected scarf actually got worked on quite a bit because the guilt was driving me to work on something other than my England project!

I suppose guilt can be productive sometimes huh?

I wasn't the only productive knitter this weekend. Look at D's progress on his sweater!

Tell me that doesn't look like a professional did that? I'm so proud! And he's so excited!

And just because this is an extremely cute picture of Ramses I had to post it

He loves it when I scratch his chin. He's in kitty heaven I tell you!

Well folks I'm off. I hope you all have an excellent two weeks. I'll probably be checking in if I find a decent internet cafe, but I don't think I'll have the time to post anything but a quick hello! Cheers!

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