Has anyone ever heard of the contact lens fairy? Probably not, because it's not one of those nice fairies that leaves a quarter under your pillow after you lose a tooth. The contact lens fairy is little more than a thief. It steals your contact lenses in the middle of the night, dries them out on its hearth and uses them as clear bowls. My friends, I've been hit by the contact lens fairy and what's worse, it was my last pair.
This would explain why I'm wearing my glasses in this picture to model my sister's finished scarf...Don't get me wrong, I do like my glasses, it's just that I have no prescription sunglasses and they sort of make the bridge of my nose hurt a little by the end of the day.
But really, I'm making up this story to help explain the loss of my contacts when I have absolutely no idea how it happened. I went to put them in one morning and they weren't it my case...they weren't in my eyes either. I have a bit of a bathroom routine when it comes to brushing teeth, washing my face, taking out or putting in my contacts... I just can't explain why they are missing. I hope I'm not losing my mind.
In other news, I went up to my old roommates apartment to pick up my cat, Ludo. He didn't really like the drive back too much so he wedged himself between me and my seat...After awhile he calmed down and moved to my lap where he stayed until we got home. It's been interesting introducing him to my current roommate's cat. I kept him in my room without letting him or the other cat even see each other for a few days. That way they could get the scent of each other and become comfortable with that first. Then it was just little supervised meetings, first for a few minutes, then for an hour, then for the day and now they're chasing each other and playing.
I tell you, there's nothing better than having two cats who get along. I've had cats who hate each other and barely tolerated each other. The screams were horrible. But I'd say that Ludo's settling in nicely...I sure did miss my baby!