I must say, my winter break has not turned out in any way, shape or form the way I imagined it would. I had visions of long days with nothing to do but knit and catch up on movies I didn't have time to see while school was in. I imagined I'd be able to blog so much more because I'd have so much knitting done that I just had to show it off! It's funny how what actually happens is no where near our imaginary visions.
Ever since New Year's Eve, which, by the way, was the first New Year's Eve that I actually celebrated as a person my age would (I celebrated more than I've celebrated in the whole of 2005 I think!) I have been on the go, visiting friends, visiting my parents, working, going on dates (it's definitely time to move on) running errands and now, this Sunday I'll be going to Seattle. I really can't complain because it's great to have such a full life, surrounded by wonderful people, but I dread what's to come. Yet another semester without a single day off from either work or school, where I have no social life to speak of. It's as if I tried to cram my entire semester worth of social activities into just a few weeks.
I have to admit, I'm woefully behind in my bloglines. I just haven't been spending as much time in front of the computer. I'll do my best to remedy that once I'm back from Seattle and hopefully I'll have some excellent pictures to show!
By the way, I started a sweater... Someday, it just might look like this only less blurry...